
Charisma Workshop

Bringing to the table passion and knowledge, speaking in understandable language, Charisma Workshop tries to offer you, dear Readers, utility and entertainment.

One cannot not communicate: Every behavior is a form of communication.

– Paul Watzlawick

To unravel the code of social interactions was in my circle of interests since I remember. My quest with serious knowledge started in high school where I was little bored and even disappointed with the concept of “school”. I “brilliantly” discovered an entire new body of knowledge, much more exciting than traditional school – Internet and books. I devoured those books, analyzed videos, streams and recordings of live events and practiced my newly discovered insights and knowledge. Through quirk of fate I ultimately pursued higher education in the field of political science (I was meant to become an engineer). It showed me second (then third and fourth) layer of my passion. Relations of power in society, subtle interactions inside and between communities, innovation distribution and tangible laws of economics – I was happy just to be there and learn. By the end of second year I was (and still am) a full blown learning junkie. Soon enough it all spilled over to a bit more of physics, then cybernetics, brain biology, cognitive science and statistics. Learning was, is and I hope will always be my crack cocaine.

To pay my way and push my utilitarian needs little further I’ve became a part time consultant. Co-consulted local politicians, helped with design of public speeches and keynotes, helped to coach people in improving their skills, was asked to advise non-profits in communication strategy and decisions making process. I was happy that I could employ some of the body of knowledge that I know something of.

I also noticed that discussions we’ve had on academia were so “high in clouds” that we’ve lost touch with tangible problems real people would have with their communicational habits. On the flip-side, discussions between non-academics lacked essential “know how” and were based on wild hunches, biases or pursuit to reinvent the wheel to a more square shaped phenomenon.

I believe that Charisma Workshop can brake that deadlock. I believe that communication is essential. Period.

Hello ^^

Hello ^^

5 thoughts on “About

  1. Eric Tonningsen says:

    This is one of the more thought provoking, accurate and authentic blogs I’ve come across in the two short months I’ve been part of this WP community. I intend to follow your perspectives and insights, which from a relatively young being, are worthy of my time. Post-specific comments to follow if/when I’m inspired. Thanks!

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